Margaret Cho has worn native Amerucan headdress while making jokes. She saw nothing offensive in doing this. Until it affected her. So yes, this is entirely Americans being too sensitive. And also highly hypocritical!
Margaret Cho has worn native Amerucan headdress while making jokes. She saw nothing offensive in doing this. Until it affected her. So yes, this is entirely Americans being too sensitive. And also highly hypocritical!
Hasn’t AbFab always been offensive though? The way it portrays gay men and lesbian women. The way all women are portrayed as vacuous, high maintenance bitches(it’s high fashion so probably has more than a grain of truth.) I mean talk about bad stereotypes!! They have a white woman playing a Japanese man ... sounds…
A thousand times you say?
Who pays for shit?
Thousands you say? Women you say? Original stance you say?
Sisters ... our race invented Ballet for a reason.
Hit a sore spot?
Whatever about taking your husbands name but wearing an engagement ring is absolutley about telling the world that you got a man and he wants to marry you.
Here in Ireland, Primark is known as Penny’s. And unlike in the UK, there is no shame when you buy clothes from there. Word of advice, don’t expect any clothes from Primark to last long. Majority tops i have bought have shrunk after a few washes :/
Which is correct?
Oh stop it!!
A Lucille Bluth eyeroll says it all
I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape
You can post links and quotes all you want. The middle east is hell if you’re a woman.
YES!! Try feeling me up now dickhead.
Same. When i was younger i would automatically think i shouldn’t have reacted that way because i don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. Older and wiser now so i don’t think that way anymore. FUCK THAT NOISE!!
She is an amazing writer. I became an io9’er because one of her posts was cross-posted to Jez a long while back. She never disappoints.
I hate those creepy shoulder rubs. Don’t they just make you wanna scrunch your shoulders up in disgust?! Such a little thing but even thinking about it creeps me out ...