
But what happens when the girls fall in love with the robots? I mean you know how we are!

There are a lot of angry burner accounts in this comment section. lol

I used to wear her perfume.

This is completely off topic but do people use the prase “douch bag” in York? Or anywhere in England? I’m not English myself but i presumed that was an American insult?

I think no matter how truly beautiful someone is they can suffer from low self esteem at times. And that is what i chose to believe when Charlize stepped out in public with Sean “face like a scrotum” Penn. She just needed to feel better about herself.

I grew up with 8 brothers. Wish i had thought of a bunker :(

I absolutely see this also. When some women give birth to boys, they change. And not in a good way.

Absolutely. Teach her that working things out peacefully when possible is the answer. But sometimes, just sometimes, especially in situations like what your daughter is going through, violence is the answer. But only in self defense. Enroll her in Karate/kick boxing/anything that teaches her she doesn’t have to put up

I hope you’re teaching your daughter the power of a good right hook.

Representing Cork here. So proud!! We’re all hitting Chambers tonight :)

I know :(

Yeah i guess Tyrion also deserves it. And while he might end up being beloved by Westeros, i just can’t see the people of Westeros taking an “imp” seriously as a king. But either one will make me happy. I just really wanna see Sansa win the game.

This is exactly what i want to happen. Sansa sits on the Iron Throne at the end. No one deserves it more.

I’m seeing this movie Friday night and i CANNOT WAIT!! It’s all anyone is talking about.

They will do to The Craft what they did to the movie Carrie. Make her very very pretty :(

I just cannot understand how tanned skin is seen as attractive!? Not scientifically backed up, just my opinion but not only does pale skin look better, it also looks healthier. Paler skin ages better. At least that’s how it looks.

Green is such an awkward colour to pull off. But my good god that woman is somehow managing it!!

Also, not ALL “white men” are jerks.

So no justice for Natasha McKenna then? Because some cops decided they weren’t gonna take a tiny little woman making their morning a little difficult? I swear to fuck this shit pisses me off!

Awww ... These are just what the doctor ordered. That first one especially.