
The little girl this happened to will be forever damaged because of what she went through and 3 million must feel like a slap in the face. People like him are the worst of humanity. They really are. Their hearts and minds are filled with nothing but greed.

In a Wednesday press conference, Arpaio noted that the settlement was a good business decision since the girl’s family had initially sued for $30 million.

The German language is just the best!

No. It's people like you that give feminism a bad name.

As a non American person living in Europe (tips are optional here), is it just food servers on minimum wage that are tipped or do most minimum wage workers get treated the same? And if it's just food servers, why?

She is either really young or "she" is male.

Porn like this is something most who watch it would never consider doing it.

I am not saying everyone into high fashion is a vacuous monster

Sounds like you have had to deal with some shitty people in your working life and honestly i cannot imagine what it must be like to work in a toxic environment, but i want to make one correction.

That is so sweet. I hope you two make it :)

Because of infidelity on the males part.

I don't know if she's a saint, or a moron.

Now playing

The same thing this guy is talking about ...

Everything about this story is disgusting.

All of you are wrong. Anyone in their right mind knows the only thing that cures Cancer/Aids and Ebola is Manuka honey.

I'd move to a tiny remote island off the west coast of my already tiny country.

No other actors/actresses get paid for doing publicity so why should she?

Nope. It all comes down to the rib ...

These days Britney is looking an awful lot like Jessica Simpson.