
The tinfoil manufacturing companies must be in overdrive these days.

I have never wanted cosmetic surgery before but this is something i would actually consider getting done. That is if i wasn't deathly afraid of any type of surgery.

You need more meat in your diet. Weirdo.

Walking through Rome is sometimes like walking through a building site. Expect lots of catcalls and wolf-whistles.

I will never understand when some women complain that the older they get, the more invisible they seem to become to the opposite sex.

"I didn't want to offend any athlete with my words."

This doesn't seem fake to anyone? Just me?

Beyonce all day everyday?

So many teeth. So many ...

Cats are the best though.

It's like he gave up the minute he jumped :)

Well to be fair, it is a valid question.

You can be highly intelligent and be a gullible idiot at the same time!

Well firstly the pic up above is gorgeous. Makes me want to know more about her. And as i mentioned to another commenter, it's great to see a woman who is supposed to be a warrior dressed as such.

Aww. Thank you for the recommendation :)

She's dressed for battle/looks like an actual warrior as opposed to almost all other female comic book warriors who look like they are dressed in sexy Halloween costumes.

Do you mean why do i want to read this particular comic or why have i never read one before?

32 year old woman here. Never bought or read a comic before but i really want to read this.
