
Ramos's body though ...

HA! I've been thinking about that. Being naked with all these fit males. I wonder could i do it? Could i actually, in reality do it?

Yeah, your explanation is less creepy and makes more sense. I have been spending waaay too much time on Gawker.

Well if it helps, a lot of us on here are misandrists, not feminists.

Ronaldo always look like he needs to take a bath.


I ask you .. what can be more important than looking at topless 25 year old footballers?

You should look up the French/Spanish/Italian teams players over the last 10 years. Some of those men have been ... well, just go look :)

This is making me laugh so much.

Boyfriend/father figure?

That sounds horrific. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I mean ... khaki's of all things ...

You're not being cynical. You're being realistic.


I'm in no way defending violent porn but men were and always will be angry at women. With or without porn.

Well i do. STFU!

In cases of Munchausen by proxy i wonder is it always a mother hurting their child or have their been cases of daughter/mother, son/father? Or are the majority of Munchausen by proxy cases committed by women?

I know. I'm sorry :( We have a while to go yet before the world cup ends so next time i post hard soccer bodies, i won't forget about you guys out there. I hope you can take some comfort in that :)

As long as he remains topless most of the time #forscience

Found them.