
Well i do. STFU!

In cases of Munchausen by proxy i wonder is it always a mother hurting their child or have their been cases of daughter/mother, son/father? Or are the majority of Munchausen by proxy cases committed by women?

I know. I'm sorry :( We have a while to go yet before the world cup ends so next time i post hard soccer bodies, i won't forget about you guys out there. I hope you can take some comfort in that :)

As long as he remains topless most of the time #forscience

Found them.

Agreed. He will always look better in red!

Right? I can't be mad at that face when all i wanna do is sit on it ;)

Lol no we shouldn't fight. Plenty to go around. And yeah, i'm starting to get long hair on men. I mean Nadal is ... *drool*

You're welcome girls x

Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

I don't usually go for blonde guys but oooh i like him :))

But Rooo, all that hair ... :/

Agreed. But he's sooooo hot though!


I'm 32 now and that sounds like a dream come true to me. There is nothing as good as a nice quiet life :)

His face makes my skin crawl.

Oh this is just beautiful.

I know you're frightened of women Richie. And you should be.

I'm willing to risk it.

Agreed. Tanned skin looks so unhealthy to me. Almost like it's dirty (Not natural brown skin, that's gorgeous). Most white women who tan excessively end up looking like Umpa Lumpa's.