
I love John Hamm's penis!

You should take his attitude as a warning sign!

You know you're right, because at least the guys on death row are locked away from society!

I wasn't surprised when certain types of women came out and defended shitbag Chris Brown and i'm not surprised by this. They have the same mental state as women who fall in love and then marry serial killers on death row...

Has anyone ever come close to explaining the irrational fear of the feminine? I've gone over it so many times in my head and i still cannot figure out what is wrong with me...

Hush child.

Why does Gawker always get the real story and Jezebel gets the watered down version? Feminist blog?? Yeah right!

No sarcasm. Lena is the best. I love how she just doesn't give a shit! Even people who claim to dislike her cannot stop talking about her :) She's different and unique and a breath of fresh air as far as i'm concerned.

David Beckham is not here for our intellectual stimulation ;)

There really was no point to this story

Mrs. Obama always looks great. ALWAYS!

I saw that documentary. It's heartbreaking. I still think about her every so often :(

Look, can we just have a weekly round-up of David Beckham pics please. Preferably shirtless.

The banner is she resting her head on? Is it a leg, a mutated limb? Cos it aint an arm!

I love love love everything Lena does. Also... if any writer on Jez and Gawker feel a story is too bland or uninteresting to get views, just put Lena Dunham's name in the title and watch it flame :))

Ahaha. thanks for that. I needed a good laugh :)

Girls...keep in my mind, this was written by Doug. "Real women"...Pfff. He wrote a headline like this to get attention and, well, it's working.

What lies ahead for them? A top paying job in the sports industry because these boys are victims, not rapists, and the big boys in charge will make sure that they do not live with the consequences of their actions.

I'd be insulted but, you know, your friends with a green bear!!

Oh that's perfection!