
Tim Tebow is in love. She throws just like he does

An affluent person would likely have just gone to the store and bought a PS4.

Plot Twist: Before he was ushered off the field, the Idiot managed to score two goals against the US defense.

Okay, I didn’t make this, so it isn’t eligible for submission, but I thought it might help punctuate the competitive overtone here.

Why do you even care about this -_-

That’s just slightly more than they’d give him for a used PS4.

If the Indians were my home town team, I would also drink heavily and build a massise pyramid to obstruct my view of them.

“Fire Emblem: Awakening” Edition

Bruh. LMAO. Too true.

I think my brother put it best when he said "This generation is professionally offended." Reading comprehension and context used to be important at one point...

I love when commenters obviously didn’t read the words and just assume “Whitewashing/Racism”. Lets take a closer look shall we?

I buy toys...for my wife. ;)

This is outrageous! People actually use Amazon Echo?

Exactly! I could’ve seen a “Ohhh! I see what you did there *snicker*” but to completely lose control like that’s just the funniest thing you’ve heard? That’s just idiotic toilet humor.

Up there with the Peter Griffin mentality of funny like how he breaks out in giggles when someone says “doody”.

In fairness, Scottish people have no idea what the sun looks like.