
I don’t think you know the meaning of the word lazy...

Ah ofcourse not even 20 comments and already more than half of them are of self righteous fucking Americans “HOW DARE THESE JAPANESE FREAKS!” /yawn

OMFG The Horror of not being able to be online for longer than a minute and having to interact with these other creatures that resemble me... GROSS!

Are controllers no longer cool? what happened here...

This is turning into a donald trump chase... “he might have raped those women, who knows... let’s run with it!”


Good Job Youtube... for once?... god that feels dirty & weird...

They already said a Pokemon game would be released 6 months after console launch... so... yeah... not going by what they claimed...

Rather play the pigeons one to be honest..

True, but Zelda is coming to the Switch and the WII U... hasn’t stopped them before from giving people a reason to not buy their shit on current gen!

Nintendo could have shown Pokemon for the switch... but they hate getting people excited about their games...

Holy shit it’s almost as if people have seen a ghost and don’t know how to react... they lose all signs of common sense.. perhaps they never had any to begin with!

Biden is Trump without the racism... ok maybe just some racism.

You know... that’s not bad... lol

“Because we can treat the VITA better!”

Bring them to heel!

So by the time I wake up tomorrow the entire world well be telling us how Nintendo is done for and they’re out of the console gaming business etc etc etc right?

What a lil asshole.

It’s said that Raiden is still fighting to get Bernie Sanders on the Ballot.

Is life hell for people who hate football in america? no... there’s other shit to do on a sunday afternoon...