
Aren’t they like 12? I feel a bit uncomfortable with this... even though ash is already growing a stash it seems...

You would have figured they would have used a Mei/Wall joke instead... totes disappoint, would not read again 2/10

So it’s a joke that the news claims he’s raped at least half the women he’s met? speculates how he’s “probably” never paid taxes and probably was also responsible for 9/11... yeah great jokes...

One candidate is a turd the other is diarrhea...

Who would have guessed that the retard looking undecided voter was a shitty person...

Notice how the SJWs reflect, they’re evolving... I’ve seen this tactic used a few times already “I’m not offended, YOURE OFFENDED!” Next they’ll be out of kindergarten into elementary!

Nintendo pulling in the big 3rd party devs, NX WONT FAIL GUIS!

Hey! You leave Spatula Hands Angelo alone!

I can see this going bad pretty quickly.

You know what WW1 also Prominently featured? Dysentery... Not a feature they’re promoting much in this game... ;)

The orphans were in the middle of the road looking for their parents, keep up!

Yeah, I have no problem with this... Learn to look both ways asshole!

Did you miss the part where I said “to me” or was that not enough to let you know that I’m only speaking for myself.

Did you miss the part where I said “to me” or was that not enough to let you know that I’m only speaking for myself.

What jackass american isn’t fucking racist? they sit here bitching and whining about illegals and minorities then feel threatened and offended about other cultures doing what they see fit.

As opposed to %90 of the world where it’s “whenever i can get my hands on her”

I have a female friend who watches anime (the only one I know in RL that actually does) she’s the stereotype of many anime tropes with the “I’m into BL doujins” joke. She’s even gotten me to watch a few... I don’t like it, don’t care for it, I think it’s silly... but I would NEVER sit here and tell her or anyone “GET

Yeah that last one was a killer, it’s like when trump said the jail comment to hillary during the debate. Mic Drop moment! BEOTCH!

That’s great and all but how many of these galaxies have dank memes?

What is it with War games and animals...

%30 stronger console for the price increase seems worth it to me even if you don’t have 4k the boost is worth it.

%30 stronger console for the price increase seems worth it to me even if you don’t have 4k the boost is worth it.