
This kind of stupid shit doesn’t surprise me anymore. Companies have been told over and over again to show diversity. So they do, when they do. Some asshole gets offended because “STEREOTYPES!” or some other nonsensical bullshit like religion. So here we are...

Solid bit.

I’d vote for that guy as my lord & savior!

I got Monster Hunter Generations Today, loving it so far

Ugh... I fucking hate my generation...

That’s a badass looking glaive right there!

I caught a pidgey while eating scrambled eggs... thought nothing of it.

Am I gonna have to scribble a bitch?!

Why would they dispatch a cop over a vague post like that... “dominance” is what triggered them? wtf

HAHAHA that made laugh so hard!

Saitama grew hair? wth...

At least Univision didn’t try so hard, they basically stuck a TV Camera upclose to an Iphone & recorded footage off it, layered the reporter talking about the game & called it a piece.

WOW guys are so creative... 10 pics based off the same idea in the same manner.. keep it up guys! (no pun intended)

It may have to do with france being filthy... that’s just my own personal theory ;)

In America with our advanced society of tolerance and understanding a WAIFU tat goes very well over with friends and strangers alike!

Well you used the word weeabo un-ironically so it kinda automatically makes you look like an idiot ;)

That’s one sexy spearchucker.

Team Rocket is getting good!