
Am i supposed to feel bad for her because she was minor or because she’s black? last time I checked a murder is a murder, she got off easy...

That video should be called “When you steamroll a shit pug & call it a strategy”.

You buy Final Fantasy 15 because that’s the only right answer here...

I’ve never heard of any of these people...

USMNT still looking to get a shot on goal while Argentina is in the showers.


I have a sticker on my lappys camera as well & removed the mic.

This article is about 2 days too late.

Rather buy this than Overwatch LootBoxes...

This might be news to you nerds but not everyone hated the superman vs batman movie.

Line up the black people who will claim this is just white people who hated him and (somehow) want money trying to tarnish his image...

I was browing thru some Overwatch por... err I mean ART! and There’s alot of people trying to turn Tracer into another D-va Gremlin.

Without plastic money too, so the martians still have a chance to become civilized!

I don’t want to meet whatever lives down there...

You’re in a zombie apocalypse and you’re worried about a lil motion sickness... WUSSIES!

If a random nobody died, noone would know nor care about this shitty vehicle... They’re doing it to avoid negative publicity, the irony is that maybe they should have made a good car instead.

That actually made me laugh, GG!

nice mom jeans barbie... is there something you’re not telling us?