
I’m gonna have to chalk that up to “people are never satisfied”.

The amount of people ragging on this game while they spunked themselves over PT (even though this is basically a newer PT) is amazing to me...

Overwatch has had micro transactions since day 1 wtf is the problem?

GOTY of 2017!

So this is HERP DERP MOAD... gotcha.

I can’t see myself playing this with VR, I’d shit myself and I’m too old for that...

This better be like $20 so I have no excuse not to buy it.

Rubbers & STRAPS? Damn Nyko... you kinky girl!

This is why I love the internet, this is hysterical!

Sony showing off TOY GUNS... this will end well...

I can see myself giving this game a chance once it’s discounted at like $20. Seems somewhat interesting, more than I can say for other shit I saw during the E3 events.

See, I don’t think the people attacking him are “HIS AUDIENCE” I think it’s bloggers who wanna get hits on their lil articles and clickbait bullshit. Most people don’t even know who the fuck this guy is, yet here we are...

sorry dancing lion, it’s been done.

Fucking Savage bro!

Did ANY of you watch the MetalGearSolid 5 original trailer? WE HAD NO IDEA WTF WA GOING ON, I got the same feeling here.


But what happened to the ICONIC HAT?! It didn’t even make it to the 2nd game...

But they talked about Orlando so it’s OK! -every hack sjw gaming journalist