
D.va best waifu, Tracer best side piece.

I loved the Overwatch BETA, not going to pay $60 for it

This is why OIL is best, those dead Dinosaurs wouldn’t DARE give us any shit!

I don’t have instagram clearly I’m missing out on all this very important stuff...

Yes, but is Tracers Butt alright? I’m very concerned!

That’s cool, I saw the “color blind” option too and I was a bit surprised... was somewhat tempted to turn it on just to see what it did, I would Imagine just change the color palette around.

Shut up PC master Race, stop port begging like a pleb.

Why do those Robot Alien look alikes have organs? seems like a major design flaw...

The lack of women and minorities in tower defense clones is disgusting!

Didn’t that moron Kasich win 1 fucking state & stood in the race for months... But bernies won like 20... he’ needs to go NOW!

Bernie Sanders won the state of Oregon last night. (Real fucking shocker there, I know.)

What about that fucking idiot from the Wire attacking Bernie supporters? no coverage of that right? nah ofcourse not... it would be racist I guess cuz he’s black and also goes against your fucking bullshit narrative.

/yawn another hillbot telling us what to do...

Kids working in mc.donnalds? All I see is a bunch of 40 year olds who got fired from their real job....

Being famous on YouTube might seem big and flashy

There’s been so many DBZ games that they’ve given up on the story since we all know it by now, so now they want you to make your own.

All I know about battleborn is that

It’s certainly one of the weakest lineup up songs in any of the Miku games yet (probably still better than the first PSP game) but I love it!

I want that MEW it looks like a lil embryo! Totes Adorables!
