
I can’t wait until someone rolls their ball into dog shit.

Really... Another one already? Fucking Samsung...

Welcome to the NEP Train, enjoy the ride ;D

Hatsune Miku Project DIVA PSP games.

My sisters cat is currently sick and we think it might die. I raised that lil bugger from a kitten myself and I love him so much. But she ended up taking care of him because I simply couldn’t due to my living arrangements. I’m prepared for him to go but I know I’m going to miss him, I go see him a few times a week.. I

Meh, I mean... you know...

I got my first 4k TV last week, Simply stunning! It’s a SONY X850C 65"

I got my first 4k TV last week, Simply stunning! It’s a SONY X850C 65"

Meanwhile only 16 XBOX Ones have been sold in 2016.

It’s ONLY because of the Simpsons that I understand this joke.

So this is the famous “Back door” I Keep hearing about in the debates... funny... they have to come up with silly phrases to explain something because the too don’t understand wtf they’re talking about... Still bad Idea overall... You let 1 guy in you let everyone in. Plain and simple.

Doesn’t this happen in most games with turrets? Then they’re nerfed to shit and noone will ever remember them being a threat...

This will be a fad like 3D!

It still takes me several hours to download 200+ GBs worth of music... so stop acting like this makes any difference to anyone in real time.

I needed a legitimate reason to NOT BUY THIS GAME!

I don’t see a problem with it...

You lost me at “mecha”.

Pocket Master much?

Barcelona is the best team of all time.

Welcome to 2002 back when opie & anthony exposed radio for what it was... even they too were radio “jocks”.

I purchased R6S yesterday... my god... that GAME IS SO MUCH FUN!