
What more could they possibly debate about? Is she going to flip flop some more and go even more left? I mean... I’d expect that from her... meanwhile bernie just wants to give everyone free shit, don’t mind if i do sir!

You mean i have to put on glasses to watch the videogame I’m playing?

You mean to tell me people wanted to buy books all along even when the market told them to go digital but it turns out the market was wrong? OH GEE GOLLY, It’s almost like it was premeditated!

Nep Nep is love.

Too fucking late whoever the fuck you are... seriously I have no idea who the fuck you are but if you think you can own words eat a sack of shit!

Once youtube loser, always a youtube loser.

The twin tails/tentacles vocaloid market sure is getting saturated...

Good for him, frankly I’m glad the NHL got clowned here... maybe next time they will actually own up to picking their own players instead of letting internet bozos like myself pick them!

Here come the “weebo” claims for the Neptunia fans from ppl who watch shit like Monster Musume. lel

This game is MH Lite and that’s not a really good thing...

Why does she have a globe? Doesn’t she know the world is flat? Hell she’s so hopped up on Energy Drinks she should actually believe it!

I love the creepy guy checking them out.

I know that the Digi-Brigade might get mad at me but this is the only Digimon game I ever enjoyed.

I saw him get interviewed on PTI a few weeks ago.

Because Barbies First Game will put an END to cyber-bullying and the United Nations want to help.

You know what I never said before... “There’s Not enough MGS in my FF!” and perhaps I should have!

My question is “Why Iowa?” What did they do to get first dibs? is this some stupid rule that goes back 200 years?...

As Opposed to New York or LA with so many people who no ablo engles right? gimme a fucking break....

There’s alot of Male Hatin’ going on today... fucks going on is someone in their period?