
Revisionist history at work!

The only people buying XBOX Ones now are PS4 owners who wanna play a few exclusives that they can’t get on the PS4.

Makes a perfect Xmas gift for the kids!

The Rabbit Hole goes deep on this one...

To be fair you can pick any random German & honesly ponder if they’re nazis...

My Bug Pokemon are ready!

I didn’t get it at first so i had to read the butthurt comments to see wtf they were upset about, then i got it. Nice job!

Every 6 months or so something like this is posted and every 6 months or so the same bullshit is spewed in the comments section.

Sometimes I wonder how the hell my parents made it... They worked long hours for lil pay and still managed to raise 3 children, own a home and 2 vehicles... I basically make twice as much as they did and live rather limited... I’m not broke dick... but I’m not living well off either... If i had a family, tried to own

so basically that video is to shill a shitty fucking college?

The lack of titan images in the comments section displeases me.

I LOVE the look of this character!

What a bitch! but he is very needy!

wtf is a “tsum tsum”?

I wouldn’t mind that kind of vacation myself.

I’d call the cops on a Kunes Car any day, NOT IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!

It’s being reported that Konami executives were spotted twerking with money between their buttcheeks as Kojima left the building.

So many interactive movies lately... whatever happened to games being games!