
Honestly I don’t feel bad for the ppl who donated their money to a kickstarter.

Everything checks out

I was too busy watching Aaron Rodgers win me some money to give a fuck about this dude.

Looks like a game I’d spend a hour trying to figure out what to do before I #tableflip

I’d rather poke my eyes out with tooth picks than play that abomination or watch any of his videos.

Getting into Manga was very easy for for me, Love a good story in every page turn.

I wanna hear Wilbon go on another Tyrade on PTI about how worthless Cutler is and how they need to get rid of him... The ball is in your court sir!

He’s planning to build a “GREAT WALL” because China shouldn’t be the only ones with one!

That’s a long way to say “HERO!”

Everything is cloudy here! It’s those damn Illegals bringing all these clouds!

No... XBOX actually...

UN Approved!

It could be worse...

Just another sign that there’s too much money in america still not spent!