
At one point so were Basketball, Football, Baseball & Soccer... Times change and so do the type of athetles that play it...

You say that like it’s a bad thing!

That quote also applies to women btw, they will cheat if given the option. It’s not gender specific to be a fucking pig.

In my personal experience I’ve noticed that it something to do as to who finds you attractive. There’s entire groups of women who will never approach me (no surprise there huh guys!) but there’s a specific group of them that do. It’s a recouring theme. I’ve heard the same from gay friends, they claim a specific type

I can’t wait to complete every mission on MGSV via Rocket Punch’u!

Hang in there!

The second he saw the computer i started laughing, too easy.

I had no idea Kimmel was still alive...

I was and I never acted like an Idiot. Was very mature at a young age, probably due to my parents not being shitty.

I can’t help but to shake my head at these pampered children thinking they’re grown up because they finally have chest hair... Still thinking & acting like a child in the end.

By “pulling” do you mean turning into Pachinko Machines?

I see kotaku took a lesson from their advertising to get this story up.

Do you think Konami gives a fuck? they’re happy that this game will sell millions upon millions of copies. Doesn’t fucking matter to them.

I became a Bengals fan the day they drafted Peter Warrick....

Pokemon is getting serious, I’m glad I got out early after the first generation!

Notice what the people are doing in every illustration... Either killing wildlife or killing eachother... fucking savages... even 112 years ago... human pestilence!
