
I feel like any woman who is not “the ONE” that our protagonist is supposed to end up with (destiny, duh) is presented as a caricature. If we can connect and relate to the ancillary characters that we know are not the true love interest of the story it muddies up the “pure” love we just know the protagonist has for

Ahh the Jill Scott, “black men should date women who look like their mamas,” speech at her shows.

I left behind women of many colors when I got married, it’s not exclusive to one group or another. I have cousins who are women who are married to white guys, and does that mean there’s a brown guy left behind somewhere? No, it just means the white dude treated them better and she picked him.

The only people mad that I (a brown guy) was marrying my white spouse were her feminist friends who thought I was some savage and a handful of her redneck family we don’t talk to. I’m actually bi-racial too but I look more ethnic. Our kids look like white kids with a nice tan lol.

Yep. As one half of a biracial couple, I can personally attest that the microaggressions we face in daily life don’t need to be compounded by tirades against multiracial couples on screen. I do agree with the author that brown women are seriously underrepresented as the full, developed characters they deserve to be in

No it is an honest take about hateful garbage.

Thank you! That is exactly how I felt reading this, biracial and pissed.

I can see where the author (and others who write about interracial relationships) are coming from, but yes...I also agree with you.

Huh, telling me I should bow down before the one I serve? That I’ll get what I deserve? Because, before I’d give Trump control, I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do.

Luckily for me, I believe I am owed several million dollars and because I believe it, it's true right?

you just put on a “i am an acquaintance rapist” sign: you know that, right?

Seriously, biggest jump since the East Germans. But it's because she, uh, practices harder because, uh, she lives in a democracy! Go Coca Cola!

It’s breathtaking.

To be entirely fair, the trailers were clearly trying to make it look like this would be their Guardians of the Galaxy, so my guess is people expected a lot more comedy. Dark comedy, maybe, but comedy.

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

You’d think the mayor would appreciate somebody who didn’t dwell on Rio’s problems.

So Michelle Obama went into the future to plagiarize a talking horse? I mean, she seems very capable so I wouldn’t say it’s beyond her abilities, but it doesn’t sound like the FLOTUS I know.

Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?

...and once again, I see those aborted fetus photos and think, “those don’t look human at all.” Which I think is the opposite of what they want me to think.