What world do you live in to think female pleasure isn't a priority? I guess I'm sorry that your personal experiences have been so lacking as to make you think that pleasing women isn't usually priority #1 for most guys...?
<insert "omg guys, men are so dumb story" here>
Wait, a previously sexually abused 6 year-old was then sexually abused AGAIN by different person? I hope there was evidence other than the testimony...
One plane might be moving at a faster rate. It's just a snapshot.
Reform law enforcement. LEOs need training on how to properly handle rape accusations (without writing them off immediately, acting dismissive, etc.) and on and on.
It might have something to do with the whole innocent until proven guilty thing?
"she decided not to pursue disciplinary action against him for the same reasons many acquaintance rape survivors don't pursue justice against their attackers: it's just too much trouble."
"Boys need to be encouraged to avoid and mistrust all-male groups..."
You realize how sexist and fucked up it is to say that every all-male social gathering is suspect, right?
Indeed it does, missed it. So...what's the status of her legal complaint?
right. Title IX requires schools to be investigative bodies for sexual assault cases when they have neither the resources, nor the expertise to conduct investigations...problematic.
The problem is that the public shaming/bullying is happening regardless of his guilt or innocence. A few clueless remarks do not a rapist make. If Solkowitz has enough motivation and energy to mount this campaign couldn't she just bring charges? If this guy is innocent...
Excellent piece. Fascinating.
Good to know that the "perfect dick" is 8-9 inches.
Ya, sorry about that - wasn't fair considering the truly absurd theories now out there. I now see this post as actually consistent with Gawker's efforts to squelch conspiracy theories.
Oh Gawker with your "theories"...so cute. I thought having theories about why things happened makes one a complete idiot - please review all your stories wherein your writers paint anyone with a "theory" as a loon. After all, only the government-approved, media-repeated line is actually true.