
Just as an FYI, when people continue to dismiss you as an intellectual presence for the rest of your life, it won't be because of misogyny, it will be because you're a spoiled product of the American self-esteem cult who thinks that the mere fact that you believe or say something constitutes an argument for it and

Being challenged to support your claims is not "asking people to do research for me," it's how discussion works. You obviously are just going to keep spouting fortune-cookie platitudes like "Islam is compatible with feminism" for the rest of your life without ever having an actual thought. Let me know how that works

The author is saying that even though they committed violent, depraved acts, in some magical Platonic ideal of these people that doesn't matter. Possibly because they're white.

So that would be "no" on your decision to choose Islam over feminism being based on any kind of facts?

"My chains may enslave my body but open my mind to greater beauty" said a plantation slave protesting abolitionists' arrogant misunderstanding of beautiful Southern culture in 1850.

Look at that photo and tell me Babe Ruth didn't have some black ancestry.

Even though it seems that George Zimmerman was the self-promoted "captain" of a "neighborhood watch" that didn't exist beyond himself, the HOA can still be liable if they know about him making these proclamations and fail to stop it—they are essentially consenting to his fantasies in that case, so he becomes an actual

The idea that not subscribing to someone's evil and insane religious beliefs makes you "prejudiced" against them is the biggest crock of shit that religious people like to pull. You're a good person for not tolerating Mormons and a sane person for not agreeing with them; don't let their years of honed cult behaviors

Maybe they should start acting like human beings instead of a fleet of robots programmed to destroy women and gays. Ball's in their court.

"Islam has been used as a tool to combat oppression by many activist women." Who? When? Don't just repeat the standard Middle Eastern Studies 101 handwave about how women somehow had it worse in pre-Islamic Arabia (according to Muslim sources) and that makes everything that goes on in Muslim cultures today awesome. Be

"While there are SERIOUS structural issues in the Muslim world with regards to women, there are also Muslim countries where women do well." Uh...name one?

You cannot both support the equality and humanity of women and refuse to be "Islamophobic." Islam is anti-woman. Pick which side you are on.

This is a longstanding trope but it's not true. Most players in women's basketball can't dribble without looking at the floor and shoot jumpers from their chests. Their "fundamentals" are on par with 10 year old boys who get taught not to do that in their after-school gym leagues. That's the whole reason women's

Society DOES care about women's sports. Women's tennis often garners more interest than men's. Women's golf gets huge coverage in general-audience golf magazines, even the ones marketed to the sort of generally conservative old men who play golf. College softball is hugely popular and gets better TV ratings than the

Here come the 400 "how dare you, there are racist people in the north therefore no one is allowed to care about this" neo-Confederate posters!

Haha you just used both "check your privilege" AND "treating women as property is just their culture, you can't judge" unironically. What an awful self-parody you are.

Penn State should kiss this guy's ass every day in gratitude that they were EVER allowed to play football again. They got off with nothing.

This is absolutely true. Tyler Perry hates women, loathes them, and literally has made multiple movies where the message is that all of men's problems can be solved by hitting women. He's a scumbag, but you'll be accused of "whitesplaining" and being a racist because he is an uncriticizable Black Artist.

She's judging their culture based on the standards of being good human beings. For a website that connects everything to "patriarchy" and "rape culture" your unwillingness to condemn a literal patriarchy in which women are treated as property, and see the connection to the rape problem there, is so much "culturally

It's better than the show that teaches young males to watch anime, not shave properly, and complain about evil bitches putting niceguys in the friendzone, "Fedora the Explorer."