“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.
“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.
If the next line out of that guys mouth is a demand for someone’s motorcycle, consider me sold.
This glitch takes advantage of the fact that the values stored in RAM don’t clear immediately when powered off. That’s why there is a limited period of time to swap the games.
But, but, Neverwinter Nights.
If they do change mid-battle, I demand fully animated magical-boy & magical-girl transformation sequences.
I know I open mine all the time...
“Survive the satanic hordes for at least 500 seconds.”
It’s players vs. AI. While I might understand the frustration in a PvP game this is just absolutely silly to get pissed off at. The game has been out for years. This is the one of the dumbest things I’ve seen the gaming community get pissed off at in the last year.
Ruggedly handsome.
So Kula World with a square instead?
I’m confused. The article is making it sound like we’re not getting a singleplayer campaign at all. But the reply from Goodman sounds like it’s saying we still are, just with added multiplayer to help with balancing the singleplayer.
AAAAAND random feminist bashing. Well done.
what kinda pachinko game is this?
It’s entirely possible that two extremely common words were combined in two different contexts by two different social groups. However, the term that these articles are tracking originates, like so many other trending terms in the last 10 years, from the black community.
I like how Portable Ops was ignored
I’m at pretty much the same place at 29 in a lot of ways (minus the anger toward women, and mostly with the self-loathing and being once again single, while everyone else I grew up with seems to be getting married and churning out babies). Pretty much everything Dr. Nerd Love lays out as advice seems dead on - but…
So I can, and let me repeat that, so I can keep track of the visions in my dreams.
I'm no longer in the cubicle world (I left a year ago to become a consultant), but I'd rather be "British than Ball-less." Let me explain: The Brits have a grace about them that allows them to call you a sluggard, a dolt and a fucktard without actually using any of those words. So, when my work was dependent upon a…