
I’m not usually one for shouting ‘casual racism’ but like, cos he’s black? It doesn’t even say fiddy is playing the character or what race he is. The story fiddy says above is so damn loose it could be anyone or entirely original. It has vague similarities to Luke Cage at best, but it in no way is a Luke Cage rip-off.

“but only because the original comic relegated Batgirl to a horrific casualty in a story about two male characters.”

It looks amazing. The insta-changing suits are a bit odd though. They’re kinda jarring. The preview made it look a lot more organic, but this one shows that they just sorta pop between costumes.

Do you mean that there is a spectrum of uninformed voters? Like... No one is informed about everything, they are only informed about the issues they are informed about, and as such this statment is illegitimate? If not, I don’t get your beef with the statement. Take things how the person that said it meant it, not the

Let’s say that you are correct and God created all of this... Then wouldn’t understanding God’s creation bring you closer to God? Just because God created the universe doesn’t mean we shouldn’t explore and understand his creation. In fact, wouldn’t ignoring his creation belittle it? Shouldn’t we strive to understand

Let’s say that you are correct and God created all of this... Then wouldn’t understanding God’s creation bring you closer to God? Just because God created the universe doesn’t mean we shouldn’t explore and understand his creation. In fact, wouldn’t ignoring his creation belittle it? Shouldn’t we strive to understand

Let’s say that you are correct and God created all of this... Then wouldn’t understanding God’s creation bring you closer to God? Just because God created the universe doesn’t mean we shouldn’t explore and understand his creation. In fact, wouldn’t ignoring his creation belittle it? Shouldn’t we strive to understand

“To apologise for the lack of content in BF we are offering all of the fans the once in a lifetime opportunity to give us more money!”

“We realise that people were disappointed with the lack of content, so to rectify the situation we are offering you the once in a lifetime opportunity to give us more money.”

I love that the comment “we need more hot girls like Rek’sai” was included.

It’s just unfortunate she only had a streaming camera and not a normal camera on her phone.

So an artists is free to reform and reinterpret another artist’s work in any way they want... except in this very specific circumstance?

So an artists is free to reform and reinterpret another artist’s work in any way they want... except in this very specific circumstance?

Well... there’s my morning dose of giggedy.

It was a great read, but I mean... Your first game wasn’t a huge success? Well... start making your next one then.

You forgot to do a paragraph on the guy who lost his jacket. That was a really nice jacket.

I’m studying videogame programming in college, and we have a module called ‘Human Computer Interaction’. Fascinating stuff altogether. So much psychology involved.

A couple of things about the post seemed off to me too.

That’s Chewie, not Leaia.

I don’t get why this is a question. Genital stimulation feels nice to promote reproduction. The nerves don’t turn off when not copulating. There is a part of our body that feels nive when touched, so we touch it. It doesn’t serve a purpose, it is just a byproduct of a different system.