
Why would it be so difficult to introduce dyes into a spiders diet? They are not particularly known for their deductive reasoning. And why on earth would you have to follow the food chain to it's core just to do so? I understand that my comment (which was originally intended as a reply to the person asking about

I was replying to the person that asked about genetically modifying spiders to use coloured silk but I must have hit the wrong 'reply' button. This seems to be a topic you feel very strongly on. You refer to changing the spiders physiology as a detriment to me after I clearly stated that I know absolutely nothing

Where is the footage? WHERE!?

Ah now, I'm sure I could find another ten uses of blacked out writing as a style choice before 'Zero Dark Thirty'. Don't be a hater....

Their body would have to find some way to rid itself of the extra minerals, etc. is what I mean. Via silk seems an easy way to do it.

From my limited knowledge, I'd say it would be easier to sneak colourful food into their diet. In the same way a human surviving solely on tomato soup turns orange. I don't know much about arachnid physiology though, so I could be wrong. (probably wrong!)

Why do the concept-art/story boards look better than the comics/graphic novels?

I thought exactly the same thing. It's not 'special effects' but it most certainly is CG.

There's something very 'Monty Python' about it.

This is so true. I believe letting them congregate was our first mistake.

Monkeys and Koalas have opposable thumbs. Is it not language and abstract thought that separate us from the animals?

I wholly agree. It changes the metaphor from 'literal small/figuratively massive' to 'small event/start of something massive'. TBH I didn't even know this was a point of contention until I read the article and I always thought the 'a' was omitted.

Have you ever considered you might be wrong? Even for a second? Vanity is a sin. But obviously he will make an exception for you since you have life figured out! ^.^

Totally off topic, but I saw a trailer for a movie awhile ago, and can't for the life of me remember what it was called. The premise was something like 'Every year on a certain date 'they' appear and kill anyone not indoors' or something equally ridiculous. Any ideas?

It's all... wrong...

There is a perceived 'hierarchy' of sorts in almost all pop culture, but I too find it especially annoying in the games culture. I grew up in a time when you were ridiculed for being a gamer 'nerd' and now we've not only become excepted, but we won. We are the biggest media industry on the planet. 'CoD Fanboy'? What

The fact that he played video games is just a sign of the times. If a 20yo male DIDN'T play video games, I'd be slightly perplexed. The thing that all these 'high school murderers' have in common isn't that they play games, it's their age.

Wouldn't it be blurry? Or more likely you'd just see straight through it? This seems frivolous, especially since zoom lenses seem like they'd be easier to make and have more real world applications. I only read my messages if/when my phone is within arms reach when it goes off and i'm not doing anything more

I always associated it with terminator too!

True. And them pesky centrifuges just confuse things more.