
I didn't think there would be an even more dangerous way to see the canyon than the 'ol mule tours. Congrats China! You racked up another #1.

This would be on my mind anytime I'd board a Chinese made aircraft.

Next on the list of things the 2015 car needs:

This is a valid point, especially since they're dropping the best engine of the field

"POWERED by HONDA" also needs to make a comeback

But hey, so long as they protect us from the dangers of Marijuana, am I right guys?

America, what the hell are you doing?! You really need to get your shit together.

As someone who has been on the receiving end of this aspect of "the system" — 7 years later, I can't help but wonder who wanted my 2004 Jetta 1.8T for their daughter.

Now playing

John Oliver has a great piece on Civil Forfeiture:

They are protecting and serving the shit out of us.

RV is sad it got cropped out. "But I have stripes too!" "Shut up... not yellow enough, get back in the corner."

This is the only car he should be allowed to own (and ruin).

E92s didn't have the the SMG...rather a DCT or double-clutch system which was much faster and so far has been light-years more reliable than the SMG II from the E46s

Welp, I just discovered what my wife will be getting me for Christmas.

And my shirt reply to this:

Oh man, videotaping this crime spree is the best idea we've ever had!

Once more with feeling: