
Yes and yes.

Were the spiders thrown in for free on the Mazdas?

Dangerous Curbs

The 360 costs seem very reasonable. Doug - chime in here!


Anyone else noticing a slight M hood bump?

I would buy that

Why the LEDs?

Love French Blue

I wouldn't let Chechen thugs deter you from owning an M/AMG/RS. I drive one and have never felt weird about it. Frankly, unless you're a car nut, no ones going to be the wiser. If people are going to judge, it's going to be based on the brand more than the model. "Oh, he has a Mercedes (puts nose in air)."

"What if it DOES have 2000 lb/ft of torque?"

This is the Little Wayne, err, LW Edition. Long Wheelbase. "But it's the same length..." "Slightly longer..."

Couldn't stop from listening to the ML63's exhaust

Couldn't agree more! But, if someone brought an F1/P1 to the event…

Because the P1 has a lot more going for it. The Veyron's only trick is speed (and now the Venom is faster than it). The P1, however, has an amalgam of traits (speed, handling, beauty, and technology) that would make it far more appealing (positive attention) to car enthusiasts than the Veyron (negative attention).

I'd definitely roll up to a C&C in a P1. I think it would be very welcome. The Veyron though? Not so much. Falls into the same category as any newer Rolls product that just shouts "hey, look how much money I have!"

The P1?


P1 all day long.