
You're just paper racing. If I put you in a Miata and told you it had 175 hp you'd not know the difference.

Well if that's the case I should be revered as a world renowned restoration expert because I've taken the factory wheels on and off my VW's 500 times over the last 20 year.

I consulted for the EPA in Ann Arbor and another hydraulic hybrid company in the area. This has been an EPA pet project for the last decade+, it's not going anywhere. The EPA does not have resources to do long term tests. Everything they built would yield good results in a short term test but would never last in daily

Is this on an early version? On the website they're not showing it, unless it's photo shopped out.

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Could you define what the definition of is is?

Tavarish is grasping at some really thin straws here. You are spot on.

That's utter horse crap. If the "restoration"can be done at Midas it's not a restoration.

The low resolution climate control display is simply unacceptable.

Why not use a winch and not your truck? Although I'd haul ship lines with my truck if I could.

The torque curves are very similar, look up a Mazda 3 dyno pull. I was mostly making a joke. Much of the drivability depends on the ratios anyway.

But with usable torque.

RIP air filter.

No (non exotic) manufacture has ever produced a car like that. That's a DIY track special. Club racing is about taking you DD out for a few laps not melting R compounds.

I owned a 98 Cavalier and got the exact same feeling, that cheap satin finish plastic gauge face. This looks straight up 90's. Plus the soft blob number font? This is a sharp performance car, I want sharp fonts.

Add a set of Z4 M rear fender flairs and you've nailed it. Otherwise the rear still looks a bit too sedate.

I can see the Cadillac tag line now: "Competition comes standard."

I spend the money to get my torque wrenches calibrated every 18 months. They go out of calibration and are the only precision instrument in your box. Don't trust your motor build to shitty tools.

Drive one, especially a Cayenne GTS and tell me you don't love it.

The death of a prominent figure means nothing when it pertains to informed and factual criticism. It's not a personal attack on the guy.