laptop is bad with gaming
laptop is bad with gaming
Just ignore them. They eventually yell themselves to sleep.
What a deal. Trade in a game for a pittance, get uploaded to a criminal database.
I agree with that. Thanks for not being an asshole. I also agree with others about restraining. No I am not a woman beater and dont plan on EVER hitting a woman. It just seems there is a double standard. Indirectly we are saying woman can hit men and shouldnt expect retaliation; Just seems backwards to me in…
So it matters that he is a professional athlete? My point is if everyone keeps their hands to themselves there is no problem. Is that crazy??
So Im going to get killed for this and I accept it. Seriously in 2014...Is the stance that a woman cant be hit by a man under any circumstance?? If a woman hit a man she shouldn't expect retaliation? So women arent held to the same standard as men when it comes to hitting another human being? I dont know what…
Carl, who sent us the tip about the trailer, called this "the most incredible Guild Wars 2 video [he's] ever…
It is such a gorgeous game. It is kind of like how SWToR was in that I can just sit in a zone and listen to the music and enjoy the game that way as well. I have only gotten to level 50 so far. I havent seen the "lack of end game raiding content" yet like other people say. I have seen the amount of professions and…
"Zamperini's death moved Drew Magary to write an article without capitalizing an entire sentence."
Why gay people need bring in sex everywhere? If you are gay, fine, but keep it for yourself. The world dont need to know you are like sleep with same sex people. But no, every gay need to show what he do in bedroom for everyone to see. And about you are proud? For having sex? Or just be gay? Really thats the thing you… mad brah? Lmao!
I like to say my favorite book is generally the one I'm reading right now. And right now, I've got two great ones going: "Unexpected Stories" - volume published posthumously by my FAVORITE Science Fiction writer Octavia Butler AND Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch". On another note, I'm asked all the time about a…
Welcome to your weekend! I hope it's filled with video games, particularly games you can play with a keyboard and…
Now all apple fans can live out their fantasy and simulate fucking an apple product.
"You know what they should do in Alien Isolation?"
Ther jerk off motion/eye roll needs to make a comeback. It's truly perfect for these kinds of situations.
That's good of you. By shooting them you're giving them street cred.