
Theeee fuck... How can so many of you not know it said toasty all these years? What kind of poser gamers are you.

I live right by it, 5 minute drive, lot of it is closed off still, but they turned quite a bit of it into a park.

Microcenter still shits on all that.. You can get the i5 Haswell for 188 if you bundle it with a motherboard.. and get 50 bucks off the motherboard too.

Dont see a problem with that Mohammand rant

Lol, what a poser gamer thinking this is cool. Another + 1 for Kotaku and its its writers =3

Gotta admire a cunt on her feminist cunt missions


She was a muslim since she was a child... What a dumb cunt writer.. Did you write this article purely from just shit you thought up after seeing the picture?

Wow what a dumb cunt lol

Acutally.. Nevermind.. Im done with this site.. Retarded Articles, and now a Horrid site design.

Thanks Kotaku it was a good ride while it lasted.

How is this Video game related?

Yeah nah this is the first ive heard of this, but it looks pretty cool

But yeah Star wars

Remind you of Star wars anyone else??

SO.. In your ideal world... How would things work?

Fuck arabs.

eh sorry put it on the wrong.. @

"Oklahoma, Missouri's better-looking cousin"

Why is guildwars 2 only on 1 thing?? And not art direction??

But it is?

Why the fuck are you on Kotaku if you dont play PC games??

Do you even play games?