Why should anyone listen to you when you’ve killed at least as many people as Charles Manson has. You monster.
Why should anyone listen to you when you’ve killed at least as many people as Charles Manson has. You monster.
She now joins OJ Simpson, Matthew Broderick, Laura Bush, Bruce Jenner, Don King, Rebecca Gayheart, Brandy, and John Landis on the list of celebrities who have killed more people than Charles Manson.
1) You’re clearly missing the point of this article (which is fucking amazing)
Only did 70 once, and it was from Chicago to San Francisco. So I did 80 through Iowa and Nebraska (kill me) and 76 down to Denver. Stopped on 70 just west of Denver for a bite. As I was leaving the diner I overheard someone say that a semi had overturned and was blocking all westbound lanes. Figured I was screwed, but…
“Like an idiot I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the piss out of these bastards.’ I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘Fuck you, I’m Millwall.’ So they started attacking me.”
You’re the baddest motherfuckers in your mother’s basement.
I don’t believe his show should be canceled, but I believe Maher should apologize.
Most white liberals I know agree that Maher shouldn’t have said the n-word on television and should apologize. Those who are defending Bill in this case likely aren’t all that liberal.
Full disclosure: I barely even read the title of this article.
Damn, this relationship fell apart faster than a boat plowing into a jetty off South Beach.
In Arizona, they call four KKKs an “Arpaio.”
Your second paragraph answered your first.
details of how exactly he fell are not known
Heads we accept. Tails, we blow your damn head off!
There’s no public evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia because *there is an ongoing FBI investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia*, as the just-fired FBI director confirmed under oath before Congress. Including, as of yesterday, a grand jury and subpoenas, starting with Flynn’s…
I can’t believe the president of ESPN would make a joke about Chris Berman’s weight at a time like this.
I wonder if he checked these kid’s ID’s to ensure they were in his district.
that best thing to come from all that was the song...