
What about large, black painted circles? Does the car fall in?

True story re: 18-1. I know a guy who’s a big Pats fan. After they blew the 19-0 season he got into a huge fight with his girlfriend. Then they had make-up sex and he knocked her up. Now the kid is nine and he’s a big Jets fan. The Helmet Catch...the gift that just keeps on giving.

The Patriots went 18-1, Sully. Don’t forget that 1.


Jets fan?

How’s he going to write Game of Thrones when he’s already in the middle of writing his Civil War memoirs?

Bud, I’m from the South. I’ve been to the North. I’ve been East and West. Racism knows no accent.

Whitlock - check.

And apparently, a whole bunch of women will account to McNabb’s shittiness as a human being, too.

No direspect to you, KC, but there should be 100, 150+ comments saying this already. The fact that you stand alone in reporting this common knowledge indictment speaks well of you, but terribly of the Commentariat.

worst teammate in the history of professional football

Calling TO the worst teammate in the history of football is a huge fucking stretch, my dude.

Ah yes, the wizard of the Pats lackluster defense.

Spit out Belicheks dick. I can’t think of a single coach from the Belichek “tree” who has success elsewhere, much less even a player. It’s easy to look successful when you play for a team of known cheaters

Trump: We’re so proud to have the most patriotic, the most up standing, the best rep-
Smith: *Rips microphone from Trump’s hands* You tryin’ to get the pipe?!
*Audience cheers*

The Warriors or Cavs (ha) should say “damn, we were going to come.” Then Trump will be all like “These young men are patriots. Invite is back on.” Then the Warriors or Cavs should just send a shirtless JR Smith to dribble out the rest of the term.

It actually doesn’t impact that at all when you realize that the Browns spend most of the game with their heads shoved up their own asses.

I forget where I recently heard this - but apparently helmet stripes also have a utilitarian purpose. It allows coaches reviewing film (I’m assuming from an all 22 type angle) to see which way a player is facing - as the stripe stops at the face mask.

Absolute unit