
It’s almost like different people have different brains and act differently to different stimuli. But yeah, I agree he does need help.

Sooo many great lines in this one:

Shouldn’t we wait until five minutes after the free agency deadline to evaluate this?

Now if this were “What fan base looks the most like its QB...”

Oakland, huh.

Around, but definitely not within 100 feet.

I was always amazed that MacAdoo was allowed around schools.

Until recently, The Giants.

Came here expecting this....

The men and the women.

Packers fans and it’s not even close.

Filling in for WEEI will be Barstool’s Sports Dallas Braden.

I would bet my house that a significant amount of folks, if not the majority, first experienced racism at the hands of their white female teacher.

“when are we going to start talking about how white women, as a force, are the first perpetrators of direct and personal racism against Black and Latino people?”

So, when are we going to start talking about how white women, as a force, are the first perpetrators of direct and personal racism against Black and Latino people? As the dominant demographic in our educational system, I would bet my house that a significant amount of folks, if not the majority, first experienced

Boston fans in general and Patriots fans in particular are the absolute worst and it’s not even close.

1a. St. Louis cardinals fans.

Eh, while I fully expect Bruschi and the Pats to have mocked away anyway, Freddie Mitchell talked enormous piles of shit leading up to that Super Bowl (like, more shit than that guy ate) and then didn’t show up for the actual game, so I’m guessing Tedy may well have been looking for an opportunity to mock.

As Philadelphia fan, I’ll give first to Boston on this one. I’ve never seen bigger douchebros than the Red Sox fans at a game (in Philly) standing up cheering for ground outs in the 2nd inning. We can’t compete with that.

Tedy Bruschi & co. spent that Super Bowl mocking the Eagles by flapping their wings after seemingly every play (which is fine), but the national media fell over themselves to say that the Pats were “classy” and did things the “right way” and it’s all horseshit.