BREAKING- KANSAS CITY, MO: Fat man who usually wears red clothing dresses as bearded fat man who usually wears red clothing.
BREAKING- KANSAS CITY, MO: Fat man who usually wears red clothing dresses as bearded fat man who usually wears red clothing.
Sure, we couuuuld consign them to the Pit of Misery, but I’m partial to the Pit of Ultimate Darkness myself.
Tis the season for giving...
Belichick gave his press conference wearing an Alex Guerrero skin.
To the pit of misery dilly dilly!
This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.
Seems baseless but I think it was in The General Theory of Employment where John Keynes wrote: “Nah, you guys should probably go ahead and trade that Carson Wentz pick”.
+3/5 of the time, it works every time
When Dan Snyder is forced out, he’s going to keep all the team assets and disperse the players across undesirable and isolated media markets.
Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.
Save it for the jogging trail.
“Fuck Vontaze Burfict” is kind of a default response to any question.
“We need to do something about the Israeli-Palestine conflict.”
“I agree, and fuck Vontaze Burfict.”
This isn’t quite Chris Brown getting a tattoo of Rihanna’s bruised and bloodied face on his neck, but it’s in the same ZIP code.
Hawks fan. This was due. Please revel in our tears. It’s been a fun last six years.
He’s having the time of his life.
I am so glad I am not alone in this. I curse that little liar out every time i see that dumb commercial. Thank you Drew for bringing the community of people who want a wall built between us and Apple Barb together.
I loathe that commercial with the hatred of a thousand suns.
The Bears are now so irrelevant that their notoriously garbage natural grass surface doesn’t even warrant a mention anymore
White women the same as white men. No matter how low they go, long as they’re above people of color, they’re happy. What makes them more dangerous is how they can pretend not to be part of that system on account of they’re women. Like Dave Chappelle said: “Come on, white woman, you know what it is. You was in on the…