I can't respond to GetOutOfBox so...
I can't respond to GetOutOfBox so...
So... how many crappy episodes to get to the good one? is it worth it?
Actually, I am. I'm also cranky, sorry, I need more sleep and less coffee.
yeah, if they really had crappy arms (which I'm not sure about), with that huge tail, I'm sure evolution put its mass center really far from its legs
I was thinking the same thing, you could just run a bit, wait for it, turn, run a bit, get behind something it can't just run through, and repeat. Now, with a raptor, a different business
What surprises me is not that it's going to be better for girls (that's obvious) or more equal (slightly less obvios), but that boys also get smarter (not obvious at all)
Well, I have the same answer as I have for all the laws that "we're just going to apply against X": Why don't just outlaw the same behavior WHILE X instead of the behavior period?
Lets have a ton of people who have no idea how the X works try to make really insanely restrictive laws at the behest of lobby groups!
Yeah, that's a really good argument for making something a crime: that it'll only be used on the bad people who commit the crime, not in the good people who commit the same crime.
The same answer promoters of stricter copyright laws say to anything: by BUYING IT if it's sold, or YOU'RE NOT if it's not.
I don't think it's funny at all, but since you asked...
I don't see anybody mention this, which I find more interesting than the conclusions of the study, which are quite obvious (except for classic "evo-psych proves that America in the 50s is how we're meant to live" types):
I meant series finale, but you got that.
The only think I worry about BrB is that this season felt like a season finale. This show has been steadily getting better and better with each episode, but I'm not really sure where it can go after this. It would need to get unbelievably good to keep improving.
I thought it was already approved a while ago, and that they were going to do some insane stuff, like having MOVIES (in the theaters) instead of finales.
My otaku friends told me they left out half of the stuff from the comics (and it's only the first book out of... six I think), so it didn't make sense as a standalone at all. It's not you, it's the movie. Try the comics if you liked the concept
The Orphanage? really? I almost fall asleep in the theater, it was SO boring and unscary...
I saw one like that once. It was in Requiem for a Dream
Yeah, Neal Stephenson comes to mind too. Mine doesn't have a dictionary, and I'm not a native English speaker, so while I don't really need it to understand any given page, It'd help with expanding it.
I think the book says something about that. Completely different fighting styles, he's probably more useful with a wooden sword that with one of those heavy ones