Dirk Anger

Me too, but I though it was no wonder on one hand, and ironic on the other

I thought it was him until I saw him later and realized who it actually was

I prefer Kindle to real books, specially huge books that are a pain to read in bed or in the subway (yes, GRR Martin, I'm talking to you), but still I can't enter a bookstore without buying a couple paper ones

trying to look like a sane person

I don't think anyone should be forced to come out, but perhaps people need to realize that Hollywood is a joke and the same way the actor who plays Superman doesn't fly and no one would wear a leather jacket and a four day beard in the desert, there is no problem in seeing a good actor playing a role where he likes

Yeah, I know, but I was rooting for him being Lucifer's new meatsuit for a season, I think that would have been much more awesome that this mother of monsters nonsense

Hmmm, I don't have an egg cup, and I don't know what's a grapefruit spoon. Maybe the problem is I'm a caveman or something

I'm glad to see it's triceratops who stays then, because It was my favorite as a kid, but there's something wrong in calling triceratops to a dinosaur with *two* horns :D

I think the news was that what was believed to be a different species (triceratops) was actually a not fully developed torosaurus, so it wouldn't matter which was known earlier

erm... yeah, you're not forced to anything, you can just stay at your house or walk everywhere...

I thought the triceratops was found not to have existed at all, a few weeks ago

So I guess Indiana Jones is out of the question too...

I think NPH's career is primarily musicals, with just a little bit of TV/cinema on the side. He'll be fine

but based on Alan Ball's incredible work on Six Feet Under, this could seriously be an incredible show

And of course, four hours I publicly say I've never had zombie nightmares, I wake up from the first one ever

I don't know how I could miss The Thing and Blade Runner :S

I almost only have them when I haven't ejaculated in maybe a week. I read somewhere that they're a way of cleaning the pipes, so that's probably it

I don't have any about Zombies, but I do have some about Aliens (the ones from Alien, Aliens etc). Strangely enough, they're seldom nightmares (at least not until the end), more like hunting them or whatever

Everyone? I'd watch the hell of a season about hunting Evil Sam

ET? Scarface? Goonies? Gremlins? The Princess Bride? lots of action movies too, but you'll probably hate them all if you don't think Aliens is a very good movie. No heavy metal at all I guess if you say that about the 80s, but there's still Graceland by Paul Simon, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Bad Religion, Queen, Michael