Dirk Anger

Hmmm, I don't see how you mount a navy, go to war against another navy "for resources" and not kill anyone not in that navy. I mean, unless all resources are undersea oil, what's the point? Once you defeat the enemy navy, you have free way to send your land forces by ship and then kill to get the land resources.

Heh, I'm about that and I eat a lot. Every time I eat with people I eat more than them, be it dinner lunch or breakfast, and I have a snack between BF and lunch, another between lunch at dinner, and sometimes another later in the night, and I don't exercise at all. I'm quite the opposite to "low appetite".

Figure 3: look carefully at the numbers in the legend: There is no data about any time after the industrial revolution in that graph, we could be at the same levels as earlier peaks , at ten times lower or ten times higher, for what that graph says.

How's the "distilled water sold to me at the price of platinum by a big sized company cures everything but the establishment doesn't want me to know it because it would hurt Big Pharma" thing going on that side of the pond? We've got most European governments spending lots of our money in pseudoscience because they

You'd be hard pressed to find someone outside America who doesn't says it like that...

I know, my country is close to bankrupcy and my politicians make me want to cry. Yours make laughs instead, because we don't have our own creationists outside churches and extremist media... yet

I can't think of a single time that political decisions influenced the progress of science or the use of technology!

Sure, the companies that make the new generation weapons today are private, but there'd be a lot to talk about them being privately funded, since private companies can't exactly go to war against other private companies from another countries.

Appealing to the fringe elements works very fine by making anything not insane look like moderate. It's happened in several European countries already: the extreme right gets 2% of the seats and suddenly both major parties get their panties in a bunch about whatever real or perceived problems people are expecting the

Good luck with that...

just go on scholar.google.com and search "survey scientists climate change" without the quotes. I said 95% before but I'm seeing 97% in some ones.

Well, it was only *sort of* a joke.

I don't think I stand a chance of convincing you, but Climate Change is actually a pretty bad example. You can't know who is right about something, but with very little effort you *can* find that an overwhelming majority of scientists agree on Climate Change, and the controversy only exists outside of scientific

Yeah, she'd hit you harder

which includes nearly everything we write about on Lifehacker

You try spelling Antarctica right when you're not a native English speaker, and have in a tent in Antarctica, being sleep deprived and crunching numbers for the best part of a year. You should be surprised they spelled "dome" right.

About Righties, it's a matter of short-sightedness. If they adopted the "green energy is awesome" posture, they'd be saying "we have been so entrenched in this that we have spend 40 years saying the same things instead of listening to what science (including Economics) had to say". They'd also be saying "you're not