Now for the most part Global Warming isn't believed by most scientist, but climate change is. So in the end it turns out that what Fox was denying was somewhat true
Now for the most part Global Warming isn't believed by most scientist, but climate change is. So in the end it turns out that what Fox was denying was somewhat true
The statistic says "one of ten managers who die in the workplace. Considering that managers are unlikely to do any dangerous work and that heart attacks or other illnesses usually have people being taken to a hospital and dying there, you've got that dying from something falling on you, stabbing you, falling or…
But there IS a trade-off between capacity and size. It's already inside your computer: you have your ridiculously fast and ridiculously small registers, inside the processor, that it uses to momentarily store the data it's doing calculations with, then your slightly bigger but still insanely fast cache, where it…
Yeah, if it's Summer 2011 this should come out pretty soon.
It's *sort of* a tradeoff. Think why sports cars are that fast and yet so expensive. Because it's expensive to make them that fast. This is the same, only you can buy one third of a sports car for one third of the price, and then more than three times the people buy it, so it makes more economic sense to sell…
I've been seeing small circles over some upper case lambdas (and no, it's not a SG joke, but I might have watched too much of it)
They didn't want to end civilization, only the Dark Ages. Or so say Cracked and Wikipedia
I'm sorry, I think you left out the part where there was something wrong with him that made him undateable, specifically the part where that something was caused by playing MTG or being a champion at it, so that other women can see the signs and see whatever it is that freaked you out coming. Because in is current…
I read Warren Ellis... don't scare me like that
I'm going to do what I always criticize on evoPsych, but whatever, at least I know it's just a wild guess.
her contradictions are SO obvious... I'm guessing how can someone read
I don't feel like googling too much right now, but the use of "clinical depression" instead of just "depression" suggests (at least to me it does) that the word was already in use to indicate, well, depression, before doctors decided that in some cases it was a disorder instead of just a mood.
Ok, you're right about that, I read that as "people who weren't Nazis" instead of that.
"People who weren't racist and xenophobic in that era were the exception to the norm"
Yeah 25% of a lot of people + 25% of the lot of people they get in contact to + etc etc is definitely better than 90%. Specially if after the first round everybody knows they should stay at home when they have symptoms.
I thought vaccinated children couldn't contract the disease?
Glaubal waming is going to be a bitch, it's going to be like it's Summer all year round
Yeah, but people don't remember what it's like to know people who died of got crippled by something nobody today gets because we have shots for that, and they say "hey, nobody has this disease, why would I need the shots". Talk about logic: "hey, nobody I know starves to death, why would I need to eat?". One of these…
Transparency in government will be our doom. Say no to the Glausnost!