
I feel like this is one of those things that is easy to say now that we're adults, but most teenagers are still at the developmental and life stage where this is stuff is important..and I mean it kind of is, in their groups. Of course it's not REALLY important, but impressing your peers and fitting in with cliques and

So there's kind of a thing I'm noticing happening with my friend group as I get older. My partner and I used to have a TON of friends between the two different cities we lived in, (moved from NW to Bay Area), and we are still very close to all of them which is wonderful. But most of are slowly either moving away to

Well, I'm an Indian chick and I officially grant you permission to wear all the bindis you want. I really doubt most people would care.

But Peter Dinklage has a wife and she is super fine! They are both super fine! And I've loved him for years so I know this. :/

Also, I get cupping done! Jennifer Aniston is just like me! It really helps my chronic back and neck pain. But I am also a hippie and Indian and a natural medicine fanatic so maybe I"m a

I drink Vega vanilla protein shakes, and I think it tastes pretty good! I mix it with juice, half a banana, blueberries and some of this gross looking green powder mix and it usually takes on the flavor of the juice and/or fruit with a hint of vanilla. I'm a huge breakfast fan but the shake actually fills me up more

I re-read it in the fall during the election and it was terrifying.

Reading some of these stories is making me feel poorer than ever! :(

Yeah I could see myself just wanting to have a low-key night with my girlfriends before the wedding or something..just because I like excuses to hang out with my girlfriends and do fun shit...but a giant to-do just seems really awkward and forced in that situation :/

Ugh plus the last few I have been to were all planned by the mother-in-law, where we all had to play cutesy games and one had a lady giving a cooking utensil demonstration and trying to sell us cooking utensils. I'm in fact a terrible cook, but just because I'm a woman I'm supposed to love this crap. Also my boyfriend

Most of the weddings I have been to for friends we usually give either a small gift, just for bride at bridal shower, then either a couple gift/check at wedding. I've never given a bachelorette gift unless it was something as a joke and I've never seen anyone give lingerie. But my friends are all very poor, and often

That's what I figure. I know my group of friends is pretty poor, but none of us would think twice about just saying "nope" if someone tried to force a weekend of bachelorette Vegas trips on any of us. I can't understand the type of person who would throw a fit because someone couldn't afford a night out so they didn't

Yeah, I hate the cheesy generic bachelorette parties and was ready to make fun of them, but this article was not funny and just seemed mean. Yeah that shit is dumb, but really if you're invited to that many parties you hate just say no? Or say you're out of town/sick/broke/whatever? Or if you have to go just suck it

It just depends on what the bride is into I think. All of my favorite bachelorette parties I've attended have been really low-key. One we went camping with a bunch of my ex-sororitiy sisters from college (which seems like an opposite of the sorority stereotype, but we went to college in Oregon!), and it was a BLAST.

I'm not sure if you've ever been to a Korean spa but at most of them it is assumed that everyone will be naked during the treatments and the sauna.

Haha that sounds very similar to my mom, also she is Indian so I had the fear that she would literally murder me and/or die for the horror my shameful trashy body would bring upon her and her family! I got my first tattoo when I was 23 and hid it for two years before my mom saw! But, then she did and while she still

I do love though how the only comment is "these views are the authors alone not hype weekly!"

oh how could I forget, throwing in a reference to "misandry" and how "dumb feminazi's don't believe it can exist!" to turn the conversation over to that. Classic move.

Holy cow I didn't realize Portia cut her hair! She is too beautiful to be real, and they both are like creating an aura of light and love around them. Also anyone who is interested should read Portia's book "Unbearable Lightness," it's really beautiful and surprisingly well written book about her eating disorder.

That's how I feel. I have some cheapo yoga pants from Old Navy that I've had for 3 years and are just fine. Other cheapo Target leggings I've worn out in maybe a year with biking and not knowing how to wash clothes properly...but for $8 a year I'm fine.

Okay so every time I hear about Lulumon someone says "they seriously are magic for your ass they make your ass look like amazing magic"....so I tried some on a few weeks ago and was seriously disappointed. Maybe I just have a boring flat non magic ass...but they did nothing that regular lycra/spandex/whatever stretch