All porn is exploitative, because all labor is exploitative. It’s got nothing to do with this “sex-positive versus sex-negative” argument. It rests solely on the answer to one question: Do you own your body?
All porn is exploitative, because all labor is exploitative. It’s got nothing to do with this “sex-positive versus sex-negative” argument. It rests solely on the answer to one question: Do you own your body?
Yeah, I don’t understand why people can’t conceptualize of any reason other than sex that women might possibly advocate for Syed. (Oh, wait, I do! It’s sexism.) If you were a lawyer (law student?), and a family friend was accused of committing a crime, and you genuinely believed that he was innocent . . . Why the fuck …
Also, the post about Paris didn’t mention anything about what Paris is or the history of France. What up, Jezebel?
Worst of all? This was the text:
Alright. Let me sit you down and tell you a thing. So “Baby It’s Cold Outside” was written in 1944 and it’s about a man and a woman discussing ways they can spend the night together because they are unmarried and doing so back then would be hugely disastrous socially for the woman. They come up with excuses they can…
OMG SAME! I thought that scene was mega-rapey. It reminded me of those old movies where a dude would like, forcefully kiss a woman who didn’t want it but after she’d be “seduced” into doing whatever. Blech.
I said some of this in another thread, but to expound: these movies are so fucking archaic. It doesn’t matter what director you get on board or what actors, they’re all essentially the same. It plays into the most tired and chauvinist male fantasies.
Well considering theres a socialist running for president that is actually a potentially viable candidate that many young people are excited to vote for, I’d say pretty well. But you continue being a condescending dick.
Few things give me more hope for our future than my generations willingness to make a stand for things we deem important. Good on these kids for standing up and putting the university in a situation that is going to force some action.
We chose to run this series of posts as a follow-up to our interview of Allysha Almada because nursing is a field that is dominated by women, a lot of them working-class women of color. We wanted to draw attention to the specific issues that workers in this particular field face—rampant lack of respect, sexual…
It does different things to different people. A regimen that will get one person fit may do nothing for someone else. And some bodies are just more resistant to change than others.
I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.
It was truly crazy. But now I kinda feel like a badass about it. I also just don’t watch anything of the paranormal genre where I live anymore. RomCom/SciFi/Action only lol
This reads like a college senior creative writing submission.
I can’t add the blizzard element, but this has definitely happened to me before. I tried to lose them by turning down random side roads once, only to enter a fucking CUL DE SAC. My turning radius was CHAMP that night.
The women in my family are a mixed bag of crazy. We see, hear, sense, and dream odd things. So trying to write about one really scary story is very hard because every house I’ve lived in was either haunted, or became haunted due to the presence of my mother and I. This story is 100% true- hand to bible-.
Queen of creepy comin at ya with yet another story cuz I can’t stop. This is not a ghost story and is the real deal. Slight name changed for anonymity.
This is the story of the two times my father came face to face with a serial killer.
A few bits of background are necessary for my story, so please forgive the long preface. I promise there’s not a “and I said to the cabbie, yo homes, smell ya later” at the end.