
Easy there fuzzy little man peach, and No I mean Case Closed as in Case Closed, the localized title of the show, if I was in Japan, I would call it "Detective Conan" . But as I know it, and how I refer it to my friends, who also watch the show I call it Case Closed.

Case Closed anyone?

Not to be lazy, but are any of these movies on Netflix?

Oh morrowind, and the hours spent just staring at its map, just planning.

I will admit that I am not the biggest fan of JRPGs but man do I love the Golden Sun series, I am currently playing through the first one on my NES-Gameboy SP for the nostalgia trip. I also picked up the Lunar remake for PSP and look forward to that. JRPGs for me have to strike this balance between, fun but not over

Now playing

One of my all time favorites, perfect action packed, guitar squealing 80s action

I picked up her album, which is pretty good, in the guise that it was a gift for my girlfriend. This is a stretch considering I am a metalhead.

Yes, I understand that and my point is, as the game has been fleshed out I have lost more and more interest, I guess the action styling of this particular iteration of the series isn't my cup of tea.

I guess I am just not as excited as the rest of you about this game. As a big MGS fan I was quite excited to see the initial teasers of this years ago and had high hopes for the game. But I don't know, the graphics seem a bit muted and the non-stop running action is a far-cry from its MSG roots. /rant

Man George Takei is looking pretty good.

Dat Fish

Widespread speculation and hating on a game which only just released extremely limited details, God I love the internet. I am glad every member of the Kotaku community and video game community as a whole already knows exactly how this game is going to be, good to know.

Now playing

Morrowind ranks up there with Pokemon Gold, Fable and Zelda OoT among my favorite games of all time. And the more I think about it, the more I realize how important their soundtracks are in solidifying their place in my video game pantheon.

This, a thousand times this.

I hear the Sengoku Basara anime is pretty good, can anyone speak to this? I am pretty picky with my anime, and don't have a whole 'lot of time to sit down and watch a new series but the art style and subject certainly piqued my interest.

May 15 is a terrible release date...

Did anyone else get suckered into buying/getting this turd? I was really into Pokemon at the time, and as a naive child I begged my mom for this game, which she bought from the then Software Etc in the mall. I played the game for a good 30 minutes before we took it back...