
Beat me to it good sir

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Lets see whats in the box!! NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I love Battlefield to death, and I love craft beer. New Glarus ftw

This is all I could think of when I saw the article photo

Pat Rothfuss is a professor at the University I attend, I pass him in the halls every now and then, and a few of my professor/friends play table top RPGs with him, true story.

I love Tom Cuh-lan-cee games

I used to pointlessly complain about internet memes on video game blogs, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

yeah i tagged the video, but it didnt show up.

If you wonder what the Dragon Priests listen to in Skyrim...

beat me to it.

Product placement with Taco Bell...


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i Think I found a name for my Imperial battlemage...

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Need a nostalgic rush before Skyrim to get you pumped? Here ya go. If this music doesn't do anything for you, there is something wrong with you.

Working at Best and having played games for almost 20 years, I see I have become more of an Enabler, and a pseudo-retro gamer, as I own an NES with 100+ games SNES, GEN etc...

I remember sitting in the front row of the theater during Pokemon the first movie, and bawling my eyes out when Ash got temporarily turned into stone. Yup, haters gonna hate

I want a future Ristar, that is one of my all time favorite platformers.

"what could possibly go wrong?"