I’d say Effie has a very conscious bias then.
I’d say Effie has a very conscious bias then.
She’s a racist cunt. Laughing off a white mans question simply because she believes he has a better chance than her?
I’ll agree with Matt Damon. You want the best director for the job.
If any of you idiots actually watched the show, you would have noticed that Effie’s intent to influence the election of a directorial candidate of “diverse background” was proclaimed long before the nominees were ever even interviewed. She pretty much conveyed the attitude that “unless they weren’t white, she wouldn’t…
Its absurd and yet when a group is “under-represented” in something its claimed that whatever happens to be the topic “needs to reflect the country” or some such nonsense.
Sucks none of the Hatriots ever take the time to read the Bleacher Report article. Good on you for flying the flag nonetheless.
This is exactly right.
I need a flowchart to follow Deadspin’s thought process. Its like they almost always disagree and belittle ESPN (which, Deadspin wouldnt even exist if not for ESPN—but neither here nor there) unless ESPN publishes something bad about the Patriots (or really Boston in general) then they back it up 100%, write 4 stories…
Here’s a link to that Bleacher Report story:
Nice McDonalds humblebrag you butthurt ‘mo.
Brady didn’t want the balls to be inflated to 16psi like they were during the 2014 Jets game. He tells the people he believes to be responsible for the preparation of the balls. They (correctly) blame the overinflation on the refs, who admittedly “throw some more air in the ball” if they’re not inflated to their…
Kraft mentioned that they had a contingency plan had Goodell’s suspension of Brady been upheld. He didn’t want to mention what the contingency was exactly, but acknowledged there’d be a banner of some sort. One of the hosts (Chris Gasper) asked if the banner would have the word “free” on it, along with the numbers “1…
My favorite part is reading responses to comments no one has actually made. Apoplectic Pats haters are so entertaining.
It would be even sadder if someone who roots for Pete Carroll called anyone else a cheater.
That’s good to hear. I didn’t think I’d have time to tell the whole internet to kiss my shithole before my fantasy draft tonight.
This app needs to happen.
I think the Jets fan in the office next to me is literally crying.
Splendid. Upset Ravens fans is icing on the cake! What a great day!