
Why is Gawker even covering this event, when there are hundreds of thousands of people here in America that are being oppressed by the white / law enforcement establishment due to the fact that they can’t act like complete animals whenever they want?


“So I say this: Burn down the stores. - They will

Stupid sycophant

Yeah, causing brain damage through assault should just be a slap on the wrist. Everyone knows that alcohol is to blame and makes everyone that drinks it irrationally belligerent.

“Freebird,” playing in the background makes the entire video.


I’ve certainly dealt with people that’ve done things that are against the law, and found them to be pleasant enough - granted, I don’t actively seek out and befriend felons 20 times over. Nevertheless, if my “friend’s”criminal activity *directly* contributes to their demise, then the best I can say is “Man, if only

Yeaaah bro, because *obviously* I’ve sold coke to my bros, right bro?

Yeah, I try to focus my racism and misogyny specifically on individuals, or easily identifiable subgroups who deserve it, such as yourself, and the rioters in Baltimore. I could sit here and try to explain to you how that works, but this is much more fun, and you’re not worth it at all.

“Uneducated ass”, yet you’re the one that’s insulted me personally numerous times over the course of 4 or 5 replies. Now I’ll give you what you want, another excuse to play victim:

lol - of course I’m “racist”. Anyone who doesn’t buy into the “disenfranchisement” narrative is a racist these days.

Selling crack is a stupid drug offense?

The cops didn’t kill him. His actions killed him.

You forgot to mention he was an honor roll student and aspiring rapper. :D

You obviously don’t know the meaning of the word “sociopathic”

  • March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance

Also, just to clarify, I don’t find anything about this funny in any way believe it or not. I think its disgusting, partially because despite the fact that the issue is so complex, the looting and rioting was so fucking predictable it almost brought me to tears.

“You don’t realize this, of course.”

Freddie Gray was arrested about 20 times for drug related offenses. He was popped on North Ave, an area known for heavy drug related activity. I bet the cop knew who he was, knew he was more than likely up to no good, and Freddie knew the cop knew he was up to no good so he “dipped”. Unfortunately for him, something