It was targeted towards a demographic of tablet and computer users
It was targeted towards a demographic of tablet and computer users
How did you get "iPad crushes" from that list of three things? Your first point is really the only point of the three where the "iPad crushes", and that will change with time (and probably not a huge amount of time). Of course there are minimal apps now - Windows 8 hasn't even been released yet.
It's meant to be used as more than a tablet
Sigh, I know I shouldn't feed the troll, but...
Hmmm, I cart my iMac around quite a lot, actually. 8 pounds lighter is a major selling point for me.
I'm not trying to discredit the big bang - I'm saying regardless of the validity of the big bang, it didn't create the earth.
Your point being?
To penalize the correct answer
I would have found this more of a controversy if the kid had actually gotten the question right.
And whenever i start my office PC with W7 i feel like I am going back in time, compared to OSX on my several Macbooks.
True. Office only, at this point, AFAIK. Still, my point was Windows RT really *is* Windows 8 - just Windows 8 for a different processor class.
I've heard of a bunch of Microsoft employees who have already pre-ordered, even though they'll be getting a freebie. Reasons ranged from "for the wife", "for the kids", "I don't want to wait for the freebie" ... All of which I interpreted as "I have more disposable income than I know what to do with" :)
But you can run Office (see my other response to you).
Not entirely true. Windows RT has the desktop, and support for desktop apps that are written for it (Office 2013, for example).
but it does revolve around Apple and their products
As I've already said, if you are happier living in a dream world rather than reality, that's fine with me. Enjoy!
the specs are almost IDENTICAL to that of the iPhone 5
Yeah, valid point :).
You posted a lab research that said "in weak areas". You think they are wrong?