
None of us have had any difficulties making calls

It´s like saying the car broke down because of a punctured wheel or because of no gas. In both cases the car broke down

Other phones loose connections too in weak areas

Awesomer than black (or almost black)? Not bloody likely!

Doesn’t Take Microsoft Seriously

Looks to much like an iPhone 4/4s

Sigh. Your statement simply isn't true, and I'm someone who has a great appreciation of iPhones. As someone who had an iPhone 4 for two years, I can confirm it was/is very definitely a real issue, and it is a significant relief with my iPhone 5 not to have to be careful how I hold it.

I think our best hope is that scientists are wrong with dating the dinosaur.

Hold on... So other respected mapping companies such as Google have "gotten dinged" for this, but Apple doing it means their Map app is "so unpolished blah blah blah"? (incidentally, this is nothing to do with the app itself, but the data it uses)

Hmmm... I have wonder if a "whoosh" is in order here. :)

Apple 'revealed' it by making it accessible to the world. (To my knowledge these maps were not available to the public free of charge before Apple purchased them, correct me if I'm wrong)

So, all phones have this antenna problem

My vote would be for the Tesla Cannon :) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tesla_cannon

what is ludicrous is stating that you've never had to change code for different versions of IE and never had a single issue

all phones have this

Hmmm... Not seeing any purple. Perhaps you didn't read the article?

Yep. See this blog post for the reasoning: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/b8/archive/2012/05/03/making-windows-media-center-available-in-windows-8.aspx

I signed up for Technet a LONG time ago. $249 a year and you get unlimited copies of everything Microsoft makes, down to their point of sale systems, DOS, and Windows 3.1.

"Metro" really is an application bolted on top