
Notwithstanding the reports’ own limitations, such as its use of “Negro” . . .

And Baha’ism is monotheistic and really just a derivative of Islam. That’s why Muhammed didn’t consider Baha’i followers as part of the People of the Book.

Hey, retarded babies gotta look out for each other.

Buenos Aires, which is in... Brazil!

even though I’m sure he made some salient points somewhere

if you go back to the original Latin, there also isn’t really anything against homosexuality either.

It’s a pretty tame thing she did; and kind of an over reaction on your part, don’t you think?

It’s a pretty tame thing she did; and kind of an over reaction on your part, don’t you think?

I was always Team Blur because Oasis were so bloody chippy.

“blind” a noun

- definitely

The Washington Times? That’s what you’re going with? Why not The Final Call, or Executive Intelligence Review or Freedom magazine?

Nobody ever suggested it was the same.

He’s still a fucking loser asshole, though.

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When did anal become a sin? I guess if you’re Catholic it could interfere with the whole sex should be about procreation thing. But that’s really only in relation to condoms/abortion. Ovulation timing is still a viable form of birth control, don’t see where anal wouldn’t be acceptable as well. We should tweet the

First, I don’t know why you keep taking it for granted that these traditions are harmless. Like so many traditions in so many cultures, they stink of misogyny, and the real-life communities that embrace these traditions aren’t exactly an advertisement for enlightened gender relations.

How exactly does a quote about modesty and humility reveal anything about how Angelou actually treated other people?

I don’t think people realize how utterly offensive it is to watch outsiders refer to your culture as moronic, stupid, out of touch, irrelevant, crazy, etc.

People constantly characterize Jewish practices as weird, backward, out of date, crazy...stop.