
Imagine flexing about your higher teenage pregnancy rates.

Contributing to over a million deaths to pwn the libz

You sound like you must have the emptiest, saddest life imaginable.

‘Make me’.

The favored phrasing of intelligent, emotionally-mature adults who can be trusted to participate in society since the dawn of time.

Seems like a convenient excuse for stupidity. Keep at it I guess if that’s what brings you joy.

Interesting that you basically popped in to the discussion just to demand silence from me because something I wrote made you feel bad, and then decided to announce that you’re a terrible person with worms for brains and nothing of value to say who doesn’t care about others and feels vindicated because most people are

“Hardly anyone masks anymore” is about the weakest, most pathetic reasoning to stop doing something that has been proven to reduce transmission of a deadly and debilitating airborne vascular virus that dampens the immune system like HIV and can cause long term and permanent dysfunction to any part of your body that

And wear a mask in public. If you can’t do either, if you’re no better than the other.

I’m a doctor with a post graduate degree in public health, so I knew quite a bit about vaccination before this current public health crisis. Including how predictable it would be how anti-vaxxers would die at much higher rates after we got a working vaccine.

you people are so goddamn stupid it’s stunning

I actually liked her bob cut hair in the original Ant Man.  Boy that feels like a generation ago, in both hair quality and general quality of life.

Get vaccinated FFS

I’m vaxxed and I’m fine. Quit being a baby.

“What we know now?”

One of Evangeline Lilly’s parents is a teacher, she graduated high school and went on to complete a degree in International Relations at the University of British Columbia, which is a good school. So in her case, she’s not a child star who never got a chance to get a normal person education, she’s just a stone cold

I don’t know why anyone keeps expecting people who often didn’t attend normal standardized school or secondary education (for something other than pretending) to have any kind of idea what the fuck is what when it comes to science.

She won’t.

To be fair, you could replace the banjo player from Mumford & Sons with an old Showbiz Pizza animatronic and it barely change their sound or image.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.
