Cesar I. Perez

Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of

Are you under the impression that people didn’t groom themselves in Middle Ages? Hell, the early Medieval sources gush about how pretty the Vikings cut and brushed their beards. But in any case, there’s a lot more than “middle ages” in The Witcher’s world; it isn’t trying to imitate any specific time period.

Lack of? BTW that’s a working Zipper

Don’t forget... In Policenauts you can grope all the female characters in the game. LOL

Then you are around the wrong people mate, I know a bunch of people that wouldn’t mind or wouldn’t care

You know I find it funny people assume that only guys would buy this, I know a few girls in the gamers club I’m in that have so many female figures and pre-ordered this one that it makes those comments laughable.

Guys, could we give Kojima the benfit of doubt? Skimpy outfits or not, he can write pretty damn good female characters, so I don’t see why to assume that Quite will be just walking boobs and little else.

an excuse for what? This is metal gear we are talking about. A game which lets you peek through a shaft how Meryl is changing clothes. This is the game which lets you run around naked as Raiden. This is a game which lets johnny shit is pants over and over again. This is the same series that lets you around in speedos

Or tits and jiggles.

Some days I think the only way some people are going to be satisfied is a full return to puritanical dress rules.

im not gonna comment on whether this figure is needed or not, but i have to say the neysayers need to stfu. either enjoy the figure, or dont. simple as that. If video games should be taken more seriously as art, then tell the activisions and EAs of the world to stop making garbage like call of duty and battlefield

That lol he typed killed me. Also before you sjws go on your rants remember that Japan nor Kojima, nor anyone interested in the figure care about what you think.

I have a soft boob Hakufu Sonsaku from Ikki Tousen. Bought it about 8-9 years ago. I'm ahead of the curve, yo.

Kojima is tweeting again? I think that’s the bigger news here.

Ever think the “problem” with Wonder Woman is people completely over-analyze her and relentlessly critique every single about or surrounding her? Also, human nature being what it is, it is literally impossible to please everyone so matter what you do, someone, somewhere is going to write up an article/blog post/tweet

WW just isn’t as popular, she’s in “The Big 3” by default but Green Lantern has long been the more successful comic character even moreso than Superman(IDK how Flash and Arrow are doing in the comics world post CW success) . Most of the people who popoff about WW don’t even buy/read the comics she’s in which I think

How is Kilmer dead last? He was stoic, intelligent, charming and really got the dual personalities of Bruce and Bats down. Bob Kane even said he was the best on-screen Batman!(Before Christian Bale gave it a shot.

How is Val lower than Clooney???

You put Clooney above Kilmer? Are you fucking joking?