Cesar I. Perez

I'm blown away! This is seriously the best way to reveal a game in recent memory, holy crap. I haven't finished P.T. yet, mainly because I'm not a big fan of horror and I'm afraid my heart will just say "f*** this sh***, I'm outta here!". That's a really well done teaser, the tension is definitely there. I never

Hrm, if this was the PT teaser they JUST uploaded, it would have been nice not to spoil it on the front page of kotaku.

What a shame, I love my Vita. It has a ton of games, especially if you missed out on some PSP classics last generation. It still gets some great PS+ games every month (Dragoncrown, Fez, Guacamelee), and you can play Final Fantasy 1-10 on it in various forms (PS1 classic, PSP release, Vita HD update). Also, as much as

I'd never heard of this game, and watching the video made me think it was The Last Guardian. It looks a LOT like Ico to me.

Why can't we tag the twitter quotes?!? This was my favorite one:

Well the petition makes me laugh. 'Release Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4/PC or face a boycott on [sic] the game.'

Reactions, totally understandable.

And the one platform we picked has a smaller installed user base than the other options. We can't lose!

Wow MS is super desperate. With more people going the PS4 route they have to just pull out the wallet and pay people off. This is sad new because I loved the first Tomb Raider. Funny how Square/Enix thought the first one wasn't a success, so they stick it on the console with a less install base. Super odd. Whatever

As someone who made the jump from Xbox 360 to PS4 because of Microsoft's crappy policies, and as someone who loved the last Tomb Raider, this just sucks.

I agree it's a result of the business, but it's still terrible.

Well, clearly. If Microsoft thinks this will make Playstation owners buy an Xbone, they're wrong.

I was one of the few who didn't mind having console exclusive missions and things added to games. I understand that this is a way to get both funding for the game and extra console orders. However I draw the line at existing franchises suddenly becoming exclusive. Tomb Raider is a fantastic game and is one of my

My problem is that the game before it was also on PS consoles so I expected this to come to PS4. Hopefully it's a timed exclusive like everything else MS has.

The only thing that MS gains from this is more haters. Not more customers. I'm for sure not going to buy a Xbox One suddenly. Probably wait for a PC version.

What a huge 'Fuck You' to their fans.

Please human beings, watch Aldnoah.Zero. The only selling point you need is: original creator is Urobuchi Gen, meaning we'll we're bound to cover most of the butcher bingo.